Sunday, August 20, 2017

Pregnancy Dreams !!!!

Pregnant women typically wake up through the night because of the blood pressure, anxiety or other disturbing things that break off their sleep. The more often your sleep is interrupted, the more likely you will remember your dream. Dreams are like mirrors that reflect your emotional state. And considering pregnancy your emotions are changing more often than usual, so it's not a surprise that your dreams may be more turbulent and wild than usual. Some experts say that pregnancy dreams reflect your excitement, fear, and annoyance about the physical and emotional changes happening to you. It will vary from woman to woman but there are some changes that most women report if their dreams change during pregnancy, such as:
  • More intense dreams
  • Anxiety based dreams
  • Nightmares
  • Vivid dreams
If your pregnancy dreams are endurable, but just simply more vivid and honour, you can adjust by attempting to deduce possible sources. If your dreams are the result of inconsistent sleep, try new sleeping positions, and do your best to stay on a consistent schedule.
But if your pregnancy dreams or nightmares are more worrying and cause stress to you, maybe starting a “dream journal” is a good idea. Writing down your dreams after you wake up can help you process the material, which can allow you to understand the dream. Perhaps this will relieve some of the anxiety that your mind is processing. 
However, if your nightmares are constantly too weird and disturbing and make sleeping too difficult for you, sharing them with a friend, or even a session with therapist will help you feel better. This can also lead to greater clarity in regards to the source of what is troubling you, so that a solution may be found.

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