Friday, October 13, 2017

10 Biggest Fears Women Experience While Being Pregnant for the First Time !

It only makes sense that you have fears while you are "surviving" your first pregnancy. In the end, you’ve never gone through it before! The whole thing about the pregnancy can be rather unpredictable, with tons of ups and downs along the way, but here are 10 of the biggest fears many women face as soon as the baby comes out. 
  1. The baby weight will stay forever - It’s possible that you will never look exactly the same as you did before getting pregnant, but with a healthy diet plan and exercise coupled with breastfeeding can take the baby weight off gradually and permanently. 
  2. The Baby Will Have a Birth Defect - Major birth defects occur in a very small percentage of babies in the world and also many of them can be detected on the beginning of the pregnancy -prior to the birth,  so you can prepare yourself for what is to come. It can happen, but luckily the chances are very small.
  3. Breastfeeding Will be Hard - Breastfeeding is not easy for every mother, but 90 percent or higher of women are successful. If you are one of the 10 percent of moms, believe in the fact that there are other nutrition options for your newborn.
  4. Drinking or Eating the Wrong Thing Makes Baby Sick - There is a lot of advice on the market about what you should or should not consume when you are pregnant. Babies are very good at absorbing the nutrition from the foods you eat when they need it. Eat small meals and drink only one glass of wine, so even if you get sick, the baby will still be okay.
  5. Exercising Will Hurt the Baby - Exercise is actually good for the baby as long as you don’t do it too much. Also there are special exercises for pregnant woman, but if you are not interested in, walking, stretching and other light home exercise can help your stamina, thing that you’ll need as a new mother.
  6. Laying on the Belly will Squish the Baby - During the first months of your pregnancy, it’s okay to sleep on your stomach. Later in the pregnancy, you won't be able to do it, but it doesn’t hurt the baby. Your body adjusts around the baby to keep it safe.
  7. Labor Will Start Too Early - Labor before the therm that the doctor said affects only 10 percent of all pregnancies. Many times, moms who are in danger of an early labor are warned by their genicologist. Simply watch for the signs that your body is showing and call your doctor if there is something strange.
  8. Labor Will be Painful - There is no way to know what your labor will look like in advance. Some women don’t describe it as painful while other women tell you that it's the most painful experience in their life. Prepare with breathing exercises and stay calm so you can reduce your pain when the time comes.
  9. Overall Care of a Newborn - Any new mom will be afraid of the experience how to deal with the babies. Taking care of a newborn is stressful as well as exhausting but every woman has the mother instinct it in them to take care for the most precious gift they’ve ever received.
  10. Failure of Ideal Motherhood - You may not deal as good as the other moms which experienced pregnancy earlier and have more than one child, but remember you are the only mother that your baby will ever love. Do your best and don't panic, and they will love you no matter what.

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