You are trying with months and months to get pregnant, but the pregnancy test is still negative? That's the case with a lot of couples. Sometimes getting pregnant it's not an easy task as you have imagined. While for some couples it only needs one try, for the others it's really hard to make a bay.
Probably you were already advised to forget the alcohol and the cigarettes so you can improve your chance to conceive.
Here are six small changes that can help you:
1. Enjoy the sun
With the sun you can improve your fertility. The free source of sunshine and warmth increases the chance to get pregnant. While we are exposed to the sun, we are accumulating the vitamin D, that balances the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Also the sun improves the mood and decreases the pressure.
2. Avoid intense workout
While working out can have positive affect on the female fertility, intensive workout can increase the risk of irregular monthly periods and can complicate the process of getting pregnant. If you are trying to conceive you should workout 7 hours per week .
While working out can have positive affect on the female fertility, intensive workout can increase the risk of irregular monthly periods and can complicate the process of getting pregnant. If you are trying to conceive you should workout 7 hours per week .
3. Get rid of trans fat from your body
You should stay away from french fries and your favorite hamburger. Fast food and products such as butter have tans fats that today are linked with decreased fertility by women. The trans fat decreases the ability of the body to react to insulin, and the women with diabetes are struggling with irregular ovulation.
4. Advice your lover to take care of the temperature of his intimate part
4. Advice your lover to take care of the temperature of his intimate part
The high temperature in the intimate zone can affect the quality and produce of sperm. The men should avoid warm baths and saunas.
5. Avoid lubricants
The lubricants affect the activity of the spermatozoon and are not recommended when you want to conceive. Also some lubricants contain chemicals that can kill the spermatozoon.
6. Import more zinc in your body
Zinc is really important not only for the female, but also for the male fertility. This mineral helps the ovulation by women, and by men increases the production of a sperm. Also zinc decreases the risk of miscarriage in the early phase of the pregnancy.
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