You: Your stomach will begin to show your pregnancy. If you have not yet shared your secret with others, now is the time to do this. You have more energy and you can think of a creative way to communicate the joyful news. Your appetite increases and will continue to increase as your pregnancy progresses. This is the perfect time to start the stomach care to stop the stretch marks after your pregnancy is finished. You should use soft moisturizing body cream, 2 times a day that hydrates and don't allows the skin to break.
Your baby: Your baby has been formed and developed so far, and now it will begin to grow. The neck lengthens and the little fetus will get a human face. Eyes shift to the middle of the head, and the ears take their places on both sides of the head.
Your baby: The fingers of the baby create unique fingerprints. The body of your dearest is now covered with gentle hairs called the lunago, which protect the skin. The beard no longer rests on the chest, because the neck is elongated. During this week the baby will start to breathe and breathe. Vocal abilities that will be practiced when they are born are formed. The hands of the baby work normally and the baby can put the thumb in the mouth.
Your baby: Your baby is already 9 to 10 cm long. It starts to get eyelashes and eyebrows. Blood vessels can be seen through its thin skin. The little baby can now twist the wrists and the ankles. As it tries to suck the thumb, it can start hiccup.
You: If you have a feeling called "butterflies in the stomach", you probably felt your baby. During this week you may have a bleeding on the nose or gums. You may feel stomach pain, because ligaments are taut. Your feet may swell a bit, but do not be afraid, these are normal symptoms. You should use cream that will calm you and make the pain in your feet disappear. However, if something is worrying you, consult your gynecologist.
Your baby: The length of your baby is already about 11 cm. His heart works fast with 117 to 157 beats per minute. His legs are longer than his arms and he can suck his thumb. Different expressions on your baby's face can be noticed. In females, millions of eggs are formed in the ovaries.
Your baby: During this week, your baby begins to develop fatty tissue, which will help keep its body temperature when it is born. It develops its own reflexes that will allow it to eat, swallow, and blink.
Your baby: Your baby starts listening everything from inside and outside. Do not feel stupid if you talk to him or give him relaxing music. Bones begin to harden. Do not miss the intake of calcium. Smooth hairs starts to cover the whole body of your baby.
You: During this period, unpleasant acids may occur. Try not to eat exactly before sleeping to avoid them. Stains can appear after your face, so you should use soft cleanser and hydrating cream to keep your face skin hydrated and clean.Now your stomach skin becomes red, dry and itches you. Strips are one of the nasty phenomena that occur due to the tightening of the skin. To avoid them, use lotions and milk against stretch marks before they are created.
Your baby: You are already pregnant for 19 weeks and your baby becomes more active. It is already a complex human person. Although it sleeps for most of the time, there are times when it is quite active and can kick, turn, move its hands and hit. Now it can make conscious movements.
You: Probably until now you already have a dark line in the middle of the stomach (linea negra) that will disappear after delivery. You may also have difficulty breathing and frequent urination.
Your baby: Congratulations! You are at the half of your pregnancy. The skin of the baby is covered and protected by a white matter. If you carry a girl, her uterus is already formed and the vagina begins to develop. Your baby can hear sounds and if there are strong sounds around you, it will cover the ears with the hands.
You: Unlike the first quarter, now you feel more relaxed and have more energy. During this period, your libido will rise. If you have a normal pregnancy you can enjoy sex.
Your baby: Your baby now has a length of 18 cm. It is a miniature version of what will be when it is born, because its face has already been formed. Hair on the head starts to grow. The heart becomes stronger and in some cases it can be heard with a stethoscope.
You: As your baby grows, you get more weight. It is an additional burden on your spine and you may feel pain in the lower back. You can alleviate this pain if you wear low footwear and if you avoid standing for a long time, also you can put natural heat lotion on the spine to reduce the pain. When sitting, try to lift and retract your legs so that your knees are higher than your hips.
Your baby: The baby gets more active. It has developed a sense of touch and taste. May feel strong flavors of amniotic fluid. To develop the feeling of touch, the baby constantly touches his face, sucks the thumb, or touches parts of his body. His eyelashes, eyebrows and nails are almost fully developed.
You: As the birth date approaches, you will increasingly have trouble sleeping. Excitement, acids, cramps and your weight will shorten your sleep. But it is very important to try to have as much rest as possible.
Your baby: Your dearest starts to look like a newborn baby. The skin is becoming clearer and its body becomes more proportionate. The length is now about 20 cm, and the weight is 450-500 g.
You: You are already pregnant for 24 weeks. Your breasts are ready for breast-feeding and they grow constantly. You can notice that the aureoles of nipples grow with them. During this period, you still feel the unpleasant acids, leg cramps and lower back pain.
Your baby: Your baby has control over all of his feelings - for the kind, smell, touch, hearing and taste. During this week, blood vessels in the lungs develop. Your baby creates white blood cells that fight against infections and diseases. Its length is 21 cm. It is very sensitive to sounds and it is better to avoid being in an environment where there are strong sounds.
You: Your body continues to change. Hemorrhoids may also occur. Tested skin of the stomach causes itching. To reduce the itching, make sure to hydrate your skin and don't let it stay dry. You can also have "living" dreams.
Your baby: During this week, the baby's skin changes. It will no longer be transparent and get a color similar to yours. The structure of the backbone is formed and the nostrils begin to open. His heart beats very hard and if someone puts his ear on his stomach, he can hear it.
You: You can feel Braxton Hicks contractions this week, which last about 30 seconds and are not dangerous. They prepare the body for the day of delivery. It is common to have more vaginal secretions, gas, and release small amounts of urine when sneezing or coughing. All this is normal and should not worry you.
Your baby: During this period the baby is very active. You can feel it jumping when you are near a strong sound, or you can feel it calm down when you hear your voice. Although the skin of a baby changes from transparent to pink, it can still see the veins through it. His eyes are almost completely developed and are preparing to open. At this point, his eyes are blue, but the real color will get him even a few months after birth. The brain matures rapidly. The weight of your dearest is already 910 g, and the length is 23 cm.
You: You are pregnant for 2 trimesters. One more and you can hug your baby. You may have difficulty breathing. To avoid this, rest more often, reduce daily activities and not be stressed.
Your baby: The lungs of the baby and the immune system are being developed and improved, because it is preparing for the coming of this world. If it was born now, it has a 85% chance of surviving, because his lungs are adapted to breathe air. The baby would look the same as if it were born in the 40th week, only it would be smaller and weaker.
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