Friday, September 7, 2018

The first trimester of pregnancy


Do you know that the first day of your pregnancy is considered the first day of your last menstrual period? Yes, the first week of your pregnancy already runs, and you are not yet pregnant??? Sounds puzzling right? Let's try to explain.

Your doctor calculates the date on which you should give birth, based on the first day of your last menstrual period. This date is used because most women do not know when their last ovulation was.

There is another logic explanation about the use of exact date: Whenever you have menstruation, your body prepares for pregnancy, i.e. every menstruation for the body means preparation for a potential pregnancy. Between 10 and 100 eggs begin to mature and usually only one of them becomes mature enough to be fertilized when you are in ovulation. If you fertilize, this egg will bring your baby.

If you are trying to fertilize, follow your basal temperature. Meal every morning and write down each change. During ovulation, the temperature increases by 0.2 to 0.4 degrees Celsius. Then your body is ready for fertilization.

Your baby is not "made" yet, and now it's time for you to provide healthy development conditions:
  • Keep yourself from consuming alcohol, cigarettes, and other narcotics. Instead of this use products to cleanse and prepare woman’s body for pregnancy
  • If you are taking medication, consult a doctor to tell you if you continue to drink during pregnancy.
  • Continue to exercise moderately. If you have not practiced so far - start. So your body will get more energy and you can maintain your body weight in pregnancy.
  • Start to consume vitamins that are good for pregnant women: more iron, folic acid and calcium.
  • Eat a variety of foods. Consume more vegetables and fruits.

You: While you are preparing your body so that it can create conditions for the normal development of the fetus, it prepares for ovulation. Fertilization usually occurs at the end of the second or early third week, from the first day of your last menstrual period. The menstrual cycle varies from 28-36 days, but usually lasts 28 days.

About 14th day occurs ovulation. A mature egg is released from the ovaries that is ready for fertilization. The egg reaches the tube and lives there for 24 hours. In that period, if the sperm (male sex cell) manages to break the egg shell, fertilization occurs.

Some mothers claim they feel pregnant from the first moment. But that's not always the case. You probably do not know, but your future baby already grows in you.


You: If you feel fatigued or are convinced that your chest slowly increases in the third week, maybe not everything is just your imagination and you are already becoming a mother. These symptoms are the first signs of pregnancy. You may also have mood swings and need for frequent urination.

Although you do not know with certainty at this moment or do not doubt at all, a new life is developing in you.

Your baby:
After conception, the fertilized cell begins to divide and multiply and begins its journey to the uterus. In the third week, the fertilized egg arrives and "settles" in the thickened walls of the uterus.

By the end of this week, the HCG hormone will start to form in your body. His presence is detected from pregnancy tests and thus you will for the first time get a reliable answer to the question of whether I am pregnant.


You: During this week you will notice that your period is late. You will feel tired, your breasts will be more sensitive to the touch and more often you will change your mood. Perhaps you will write it down to premenstrual syndrome, but if you make a pregnancy test, you will find out the real cause of these symptoms.

Your baby: If you have not been preparing for pregnancy so far and you have not planned this all, it's time to get started. Your baby is now inextricably linked to you. Your health and the food you are consuming affects it.


You: Although you are pregnant only for 4 weeks, you probably will understand about it in the fifth week. Congratulations! It may seem unrealistic, but you will become a mother, so start worrying more about yourself. Only in this way you will help your baby to develop normally. Every average pregnant woman needs an extra 300 calories in the daily menu. Try to bring them through healthy and varied foods.

Your baby: In the meantime, while you are preparing your meal with food, your heart organs, your lungs, your liver, your kidneys, your thyroid gland, and your pancreas are formed in you. You will not believe, but in spite of this whole development process, your baby is from 1.5 to 2.5 mm.


You: During the sixth week you will significantly feel nausea, because the level of hormones in the body grows. Although this morning nausea, can continue throughout the day. This symptoms of pregnancy affects almost half of pregnant women and usually lasts until the beginning of the second trimester. Your breasts will grow more so that they are ready for future breastfeeding.

Your baby: During this week the fetus begins to take shape. The head is more visible, and there are small points where the eyes and ears develop. Your baby is 3-5 mm long. During this week a neural tube is formed, from which the brain and spine develop. Black liver and kidneys develop rapidly, and blood circulation is already visible.


You: Changes in hormone levels may affect your face. Keep good hygiene on your face so you do not feel like an adolescent again. If you consume vitamin B6 to help you with morning nausea, you will notice that it will help you to improve the condition of the face. Your body slowly begins to spread, so it may be uncomfortable in tight clothing. Some women also feel dizzy. If a symptom is worrying you, consult your gynecologist immediately.

Your baby: In the next week your favorite is the size of a bean (11-13mm). Black spots mark the early formation of the eyes. The nostrils and ears are formed. The brain is constantly developing. The digestive system and stomach are formed. The little fetus already has developed arms and legs, but not fingers.


You probably feel bloated and tired. You may still have morning nausea. Continue to enter enough vitamins and eat healthy foods. You will feel better if you eat more often but smaller meals. In the morning before you get out of bed, slack a few crackers and lie down a bit. This will help you not feel bad.

Your baby:
Your "bean" during this week begins to look like a miniature baby. It already has shaped eyelids, an upper lip, and you can see the tip of the little future nose. The heart is beating at a high speed of 150 times per minute (twice the speed of your heart). In this period, the small fingers of the arms and legs begin to form.


You: You are already 9 weeks pregnant. Your breasts will increase significantly and become sensitive to the touch. If you have a light complexion, the veins on the chest will become more visible. You may no longer feel nausea and fatigue and your libido will rise. Take more time for rest and increase the time you need for sleeping. Do light exercises to maintain your body. You can enroll in yoga classes for pregnant women.

Your baby:
During this week your reproductive organs are formed in your future baby. You need to wait a few more weeks to find out his gender. You can already hear the little heart beating. It's very early and you can not feel it, but your dearest actively moves your muscles. The fetus of this stage has formed all vital organs and is about 20-28 mm in size.


You: Your mood will change constantly. Don't be surprised if you cry about things that you would not normally cry. Beware of your oral hygiene. Often wash your teeth, because morning nausea bring stomach acids into your mouth and these acids can damage your teeth. Make a dentist's term and tell him that you are pregnant because it affects the way he treats you. Due to the increased volume of blood, veins on the feet, chest and arms will be more visible.

Your baby: During the tenth week, your baby's brain grows very fast and produces 250,000 neurons every minute. The eyes are no longer transparent and the ears get the final shape. The bones of the skeleton and neck muscles begin to form. A diaphragm is created that separates the stomach and the heart.


You: Because of changes in hormone levels, it is very likely that you will suffer from a common headache. Women who suffer from migraines will now feel it more often. Be careful, you can not use any medicines to reduce your headache. Consult a doctor. Drink enough fluids, do not be stressed, and sleep more to avoid headaches.

Your baby: The head of your future baby is as big as the rest of his body. During this period, the head grows at a slower pace. All organs are now formed and begin to grow.


You: Nearly ends the first trimester and people can notice the glow of your face. Many women are waiting until this moment to announce the happy news to their loved ones, because the chances of miscarriage are reduced. Now you will have more energy and you will be more relaxed. However, keep resting.

Your baby: Your baby is about 6 cm long. Perhaps for you it's still very little, but it has already doubled its length over 3 weeks. When you think about it, however, 6 cm looks too big. Nails are beginning to grow on the fingers of the baby. It is able to open its mouth and swallow.

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