Sunday, September 16, 2018

The third trimester of pregnancy!


You already know where the toilet is everywhere you go out, because your baby is increasingly pressing on the bladder and you often need to urinate.

Your baby: Your baby opens and closes her eyes. Together with this, it begins to dream. Muscle mass increases daily and already has 2-3% body fat.


You: As your baby is growing, so you do. You have the feeling that everything inside you is overcrowded. Actually, you're right. The most common problems will be back pain, leg cramps and lack of air. Count the movements your baby makes for an hour. During this period, it should move about 10 times per hour. If it moves less than that, consult your gynecologist.

Your baby: The baby is busy preparing for his birthday. It weighs 1.2 kg. It is possible that there is such a habit of sleeping daytime, when you with your movements nourish it, and at night when you will be calm it will begin with activity.


You: You can notice that your feet are a little bit bloat, so you should use  cream that will calm you and make the pain in your feet disappear. About 40-75% of pregnant women suffer from a slight increase, but if your hands and face are also bloating, you should consult a doctor.

Your baby: Your baby's head is growing. It releases about ½ liters of urine into amniotic fluid. Thin fibers (lanugo) slowly disappear. Most of the time the baby's eyes are open and it looks around. The bone marrow is now in charge of the creation of red blood cells. Your baby is 35 - 39 cm long.

You: Your body is preparing for the important task - delivery. Braxton-Hicks contractions prepare you for the birth process. They are not real contractions, but they will prepare you for the true birth contractions. Your legs will probably bloat, and you will feel back pain and the need for frequent urination.

Your baby: The lungs and digestive system are almost completely developed. Your baby is completely long about 38 cm and weighs 1.6 kg.


You: In this period it will be hard for you to find a sleeping position that makes you comfortable. If you do not have a risky pregnancy, you can sleep in a position that is comfortable for you, even on the stomach. You may also have symptoms of constipation. To avoid them, drink plenty of water and eat foods rich in fibers.

Your baby: During this week, your baby will likely weigh 1.8 kg and will be 40 cm long. The baby's movements will decrease, as it grows and there is less space for movement. The thin hairs of the body continues to fall, and his hair grows on his head. His arms and legs are proportional to his head size.


You: You still suffer from acids, leg cramps, back pain. You may now feel too tired. Your libido will increase significantly.

Your baby: In the 33rd week your baby weighs 2 kg. It exercises the breathing process by inhaling amniotic fluid. Some babies, in this stage, have the entire head covered with hair. While sleeping, the baby can enter the Rapid Eye Movement phase. That is the period in which we dream. More and more fats accumulate on his body, so that he can maintain the body temperature. Your baby can detect light, and to distinguish whether it is day or night.


You: You have passed the critical part of your pregnancy. You suffer from fatigue. It occurs because of pain, weight gain or stress, because the date on which your loved one is coming is close.

Your baby: If the baby is born during the 34th week, it will probably be good. It will need special care and will be placed in an incubator because of his incompletely developed lungs, but he will survive. Your baby during this period develops immunity to some small infections. The nails of the hands reach the fingertips.


You: During this period, you have trouble sleeping, you are excited for the big event and you become more sensitive (the most common things are irritating you). Use this period to enjoy with your partner in peace and tranquility, because it will take a long time before you have that peace again.

Your baby: Babies born in this week, in 99% of the cases, are healthy. The weight of the baby is 2.5 kg. The lungs are almost completely developed. Probably already it is set with his head down and it's waiting to come out.


You: You will not feel comfortable in your skin, but there is a little time before you become an infinitely happy mother. Rest as much as you can. In this period you may have problems with hemorrhoids and frequent urination.

Your baby: Your baby continues to gain fat on the body. This will help him maintain his body temperature when he leaves the uterus. Accordingly, its weight increases. Now your little one weighs 2.8-3 kg.

37 WEEK 

You: The cervix will begin to open, to prepare for delivery. Your breasts are becoming bigger to be ready for breastfeeding. They will also be sensitive to touch. It is best to wash them only with water, not soap. The soap will make the skin of the nipples dry and they will cracked and irritate.

Your baby: Your baby's skin is pink and is no longer wrinkled. The baby continues to exercise breathing. If it is born during this week, it will be considered as a ripened baby. However, this does not mean that the baby is fully developed. In the rest of the weeks it will continue to gain fat along the body.


You: During this period, a part of the mucus can be released, which closes the cervix during pregnancy. This plug is a dense collection of mucus and protects the baby from infections. The temp can fall weeks, days or hours before childbirth.

Your baby: At any time, a long-awaited event may occur - delivery. If you give birth this week, your baby will be considered as fully developed.


You: You feel very big and uncomfortable to do anything. You are impatient and you can not wait to hold in your hands the little one who grows up in you for so long.

Your baby: During this period your baby will move less. The muscles of his arms and legs are strong. The thin hair falls from his body. All organs are ready to function outside the uterus. The weight of the baby is about 3.1 kg.


You: Only 5% of babies are born on the scheduled date. Only 95% of them are born 2 weeks before or after the scheduled date. Therefore, if your date has already passed - do not panic. Maybe tomorrow you will become a mother.

Your baby: Your baby is ready to get out of the uterus and get a new home.

41 WEEK 

You: You are probably frustrated and tired of pregnancy. Do not worry. Very soon everything will end. At this stage, it is possible to induce delivery with provocation. To speed up the process you can eat spicy food, to walk or have sex.

Your baby: Babies who are worn longer are born with more weight and more hair than others.

Do not forget to use soft moisturizing body cream, 2 times a day that hydrates and don't allows the skin on the body to break and make stretch marks.

When the birth will happen is not so important, it is important that you will become a mother. Congratulations!

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