Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Advantages of breastfeeding !

Breastfeeding allows you to provide your baby with everything it needs to grow and develop. Breast milk contains substances that can not be produced and replaced with adapted milk. Breastfeeding has its advantages for both your baby and you.

Advantages of breastfeeding for your baby

  • Breast milk is natural and it satisfies the special needs of the baby.
  • It contains nutrients that are in an ideal balance and are easily digestible.
  • With help of breast milk, you give antibodies to your baby so it can fight infections. The longer you are breast-feeding, the better.
  • Babies, who are fed with breast milk, rarely need a hospital visit.
  • If you are breastfeeding, you reduce your baby's risk of diarrhea and constipation.
  • Breastfeeding reduces the risk of allergic reactions such as eczema and asthma.
  • Breast milk contains hormones that help the baby's development. These hormones can not be replaced by adapted milk.
  • Babies that are breastfed for 8 months or more achieve better results in school when they grow up, than babies fed with adapted milk.
  • Breastfeeding creates a strong unbreakable bond between mother and baby.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The third trimester of pregnancy!


You already know where the toilet is everywhere you go out, because your baby is increasingly pressing on the bladder and you often need to urinate.

Your baby: Your baby opens and closes her eyes. Together with this, it begins to dream. Muscle mass increases daily and already has 2-3% body fat.


You: As your baby is growing, so you do. You have the feeling that everything inside you is overcrowded. Actually, you're right. The most common problems will be back pain, leg cramps and lack of air. Count the movements your baby makes for an hour. During this period, it should move about 10 times per hour. If it moves less than that, consult your gynecologist.

Your baby: The baby is busy preparing for his birthday. It weighs 1.2 kg. It is possible that there is such a habit of sleeping daytime, when you with your movements nourish it, and at night when you will be calm it will begin with activity.


You: You can notice that your feet are a little bit bloat, so you should use  cream that will calm you and make the pain in your feet disappear. About 40-75% of pregnant women suffer from a slight increase, but if your hands and face are also bloating, you should consult a doctor.

Your baby: Your baby's head is growing. It releases about ½ liters of urine into amniotic fluid. Thin fibers (lanugo) slowly disappear. Most of the time the baby's eyes are open and it looks around. The bone marrow is now in charge of the creation of red blood cells. Your baby is 35 - 39 cm long.

Monday, September 10, 2018

The second trimester of pregnancy !


Your stomach will begin to show your pregnancy. If you have not yet shared your secret with others, now is the time to do this. You have more energy and you can think of a creative way to communicate the joyful news. Your appetite increases and will continue to increase as your pregnancy progresses. This is the perfect time to start the stomach care to stop the stretch marks after your pregnancy is finished. You should use soft moisturizing body cream, 2 times a day that hydrates and don't allows the skin to break. 

Your baby: Your baby has been formed and developed so far, and now it will begin to grow. The neck lengthens and the little fetus will get a human face. Eyes shift to the middle of the head, and the ears take their places on both sides of the head.


You: You may feel back pain. Pain can also occur in the lower part of the stomach, because the baby is constantly growing and needs space. Beside this, you should feel good, because there are no more unpleasant nausea and big fatigue that struck you in the first trimester.

Your baby: The fingers of the baby create unique fingerprints. The body of your dearest is now covered with gentle hairs called the lunago, which protect the skin. The beard no longer rests on the chest, because the neck is elongated. During this week the baby will start to breathe and breathe. Vocal abilities that will be practiced when they are born are formed. The hands of the baby work normally and the baby can put the thumb in the mouth.


You: If you are pregnant for second time, your stomach will sooner be visible. This is because your stomach muscles are probably more relaxed. But if the stomach is not "visible" so far - do not be disappointed. Pregnancy becomes visible from the 14th to the 20th week.

Your baby: Your baby is already 9 to 10 cm long. It starts to get eyelashes and eyebrows. Blood vessels can be seen through its thin skin. The little baby can now twist the wrists and the ankles. As it tries to suck the thumb, it can start hiccup.

Friday, September 7, 2018

The first trimester of pregnancy


Do you know that the first day of your pregnancy is considered the first day of your last menstrual period? Yes, the first week of your pregnancy already runs, and you are not yet pregnant??? Sounds puzzling right? Let's try to explain.

Your doctor calculates the date on which you should give birth, based on the first day of your last menstrual period. This date is used because most women do not know when their last ovulation was.

There is another logic explanation about the use of exact date: Whenever you have menstruation, your body prepares for pregnancy, i.e. every menstruation for the body means preparation for a potential pregnancy. Between 10 and 100 eggs begin to mature and usually only one of them becomes mature enough to be fertilized when you are in ovulation. If you fertilize, this egg will bring your baby.

If you are trying to fertilize, follow your basal temperature. Meal every morning and write down each change. During ovulation, the temperature increases by 0.2 to 0.4 degrees Celsius. Then your body is ready for fertilization.

Your baby is not "made" yet, and now it's time for you to provide healthy development conditions:
  • Keep yourself from consuming alcohol, cigarettes, and other narcotics. Instead of this use products to cleanse and prepare woman’s body for pregnancy
  • If you are taking medication, consult a doctor to tell you if you continue to drink during pregnancy.
  • Continue to exercise moderately. If you have not practiced so far - start. So your body will get more energy and you can maintain your body weight in pregnancy.
  • Start to consume vitamins that are good for pregnant women: more iron, folic acid and calcium.
  • Eat a variety of foods. Consume more vegetables and fruits.

Monday, September 3, 2018

10 things that happen in pregnancy, even your best friend won't tell you !!!

It's amazing how the two lines have the power to change your life. A positive pregnancy test immediately throws you in a new chapter of your life, filled with everyday surprises. In addition to the physical changes caused by the symptoms of pregnancy, a number of other changes occurs in the lives of future mothers.
Here are 10 things that you can expect while you live the best 9 months in your life:

  1. You will be obsessively curious about the development of the baby. Constantly you will search for information about the size, weight, and development of the fetus. After each examination, you will be in a hurry to check the internet about what the gynecologist told you is normal, and your heart will tighten up when you will read unfamiliar medical terms, because you will be extremely afraid for the health of the unborn baby..
  2. At first, the baby will send you unforgettable pleasant sensations, but it will later cause you pain. The smile will become wider when you first feel the baby's move into the stomach. The smooth kicks are priceless. But when your pregnancy progresses, a baby kick will sometimes hurt. Do not be surprised if you start a "fight" with your baby to persuade him to change his position and not kick you.
  3. Your libido will change. Your breasts will increase, your hair will shine, your skin will have a healthy glow, and your sexual confidence will climb to a new level. In the second trimester of pregnancy, you will feel like a porn star in the bedroom, until you think of your little one. Then the fear and the questions like "What if we hurt him?" will be born, so at least some delays in the sexual act will probably follow. Changes in the desire for sex depend on the trimester you are in. Probably in the first and third trimesters you will not even think of action in the bed.
  4. Never mind how many times you have repeated, "I will not be from those mothers who CONSTANTLY talk about their babies without a break," you will. Pregnancy will bring you huge happiness, and the changes that will occur will inevitably be embedded in your conversations. No matter how you control it, you will not be able to share how the baby progresses, what feelings your pregnancy gives you, what you bought last for the baby ... The good thing is that people will understand you, so sharing that don't need to make you feel guilty.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Six small changes that will increase your chances to get pregnant!

You are trying with months and months to get pregnant, but the pregnancy test is still negative?  That's the case with a lot of couples. Sometimes getting pregnant it's not an easy task as you have imagined. While for some couples it only needs one try, for the others it's really hard to make a bay.
Probably you were already advised to forget the alcohol and the cigarettes so you can improve your chance to conceive.

Here are six small changes that can help you:

 1. Enjoy the sun
With the sun you can improve your fertility. The free source  of sunshine and warmth increases the chance to get pregnant. While we are exposed to the sun, we are accumulating the vitamin D, that balances the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Also the sun improves the mood and decreases the pressure.
 2. Avoid intense workout

While working out can have positive affect on the female fertility, intensive workout can increase the risk of irregular monthly periods and can complicate the process of getting pregnant. If you are trying to conceive you should workout 7 hours per week .
      3.  Get rid of trans fat from your body
You should stay away from  french fries and your favorite hamburger. Fast food and products such as butter have tans fats that today are linked with decreased fertility by women. The trans fat decreases the ability of the body to react to insulin, and the women with diabetes are struggling with irregular ovulation.